The tasks undertaken in WP6 aims to encapsulate and clarify the outputs generated in EURIPHI by the tasks conducted earlier and in parallel. Innovative solutions have been identified in the fields of rapid diagnostic (RD) tools in infectious disease and in the most promising integrated care services (IC). The identification of specific demands and prioritization has been done by expert partners and through the establishment of the Health Regional Network including stakeholders. Following an open market consultation, case testing was performed in order to validate and refine the demands identified on both fields.
All this input will feed the different core activities for a suitable cross border Value-based PPI/PCP, which entails the redesign of clinical pathways having a strong focus on improving health outcomes, and more robust health outcomes measurement, consideration of additional benefit of value for health care actors and resulting in economic most advantageous, cost-efficient purchasing.
The present document contains two principal tools that will be used in two potential procurement on both Rapid Diagnosis and Integrated care:
- i) The overall assessment framework.
- ii) The methodologies to award single functional criteria and to use a multi decision criteria approach to select the offer with the highest value creation being this the most economically advantageous offer.
Given that the type of procedure has yet to be decided for both fields, these will be hypothesized in two different contracting procedures:
- Rapid diagnosis tool for antibiotic stewardship of VAP – Open Procedure
- Integrated risk assessment tools on Stroke (as a result of the ICPO03 in D3.3/D3.4): Pre-Commercial Procurement of Innovation (PCP)
In the case of the PCP procedure, which falls out the guiding principles of EU public procurement legislation, the evaluation framework will also contain the methodology for the monitoring of contract implementation during Phase 1, 2 and 3.
Assessment in both fields needs to be aligned with the objectives of the procurement and is a key part of the procurement process. The purpose of this framework is two-fold: first, to define a coherent awarding criterion that will be part of the tender documentation, and secondly, to outline the future service evaluation and scoring process. The purpose of an evaluation process in sourcing is to identify which bid offers the best value for money i.e. the most economically advantageous tender or proposal. The criteria that are specified in the invitation to tender document are the basis for the buying decision.
For this reason, robust metrics will be needed to be developed to back up the awarding decisions and to ensure that patient perspective becomes a core aspect of the future technology and service implementation.
Also, a Willingness to Pay (W2P) method will be defined in order to, in future terms (it will be theoretically described on the present report), assess the tenders according to the defined awarding criteria. W2P method is an alternative to the classical weighting of criteria and using rankings as it assigns a monetary value to non-monetary criteria such as outcomes or other benefits for HCPs. Even though the present document will not go into detail regarding the application of the method to potential tenders, a description of the method will be done with the aim to understand its usability.