Mapping of Health Regions readiness for value-based PPI and mechanisms of identification of unmet health and health systems needs

Mapping of Health Regions readiness for value-based PPI and mechanisms of identification of unmet health and health systems needs

Library Cross-border procurement Innovation procurement Integrated care Rapid diagnostics Unmet needs Value-based approach

Published on 27.09.2019

The deliverable D1.1 reports the main outcomes achieved in EURIPHI WP1. It clarifies on European regions presenting a good level of readiness when it comes of using Value-Based PCP/PPI to implement innovations into health and social care systems. Moreover, the deliverable presents what are the unmet needs in integrated care and infectious diseases areas that represent a priority for policy makers. Finally, the deliverable informs about the EURIPHI Health & Social Care Regions Network shared view on joint cross-border value-based procurement.

Mapping of Health Regions readiness for value-based PPI and mechanisms of identification of unmet health and health systems needs

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