Guidance on Economic Most Advantageous procurement of Innovative Solutions

Guidance on Economic Most Advantageous procurement of Innovative Solutions

Library Cross-border procurement Innovation procurement Value-based approach

Published on 27.09.2019

D2.1 – Guidance on Economic Most Advantageous procurement of Innovative Solutions (Tasks 2.1 & 2.2; CMS; R; PU; M15)

  • Final guidance for cross-border PPI compliant with member states laws
  • Overview of possible procedures (eg. Competitive Dialogue) to run a procurement process by translation the EU guidance onto health care.
  • Description of practical qualitative and quantitative measure of a willingness to pay to assign a monetary value to criteria
  • Compilation of current use value-based contracting in practice .

From our experience, procurement entities active into healthcare consider it to be a challenge to apply public procurement procedures to healthcare purchases (medical devices, drugs, support services and innovative solutions and technology). These purchases are indeed often highly sensitive, with even lifesaving aspects, they are crucial for the physician’s and hospital employees’ activities and are in general very innovative and evolving goods.

Members of the consortium emphasized during our working meetings the necessity to put the focus on “value” for these products and to make long term assessments of their integration into the care supplier’s organization. “Value based procurement processes”, including innovation, partnership aspects and collaboration between the industry and the health and social care sector as well as global and integrated solutions are preconized in the healthcare sector. These elements are taken into account in the present document to provide some guidelines and suggestions on how to apply “value based” and innovative procurement processes onto healthcare purchases.

The different bullet points highlighted above will be addressed through:

  • i) the description of the relevant procurement procedures and their advantages and disadvantages for value-based innovative procurement- the Euriphi project (second bullet), in section 1.2 of the present document;
  • ii) guidance on the choice of selection and award criteria for value based innovative procurement (including an analysis of the “willingness to pay” method in section of the present document) (third bullet), in section 1.3 of the present document;
  • iii) an analysis of the specificities of 12 member States on cross-border procurement (first bullet), in section 2 of the present document and;
  • iv) the use of innovative procurement processes as competitive dialogues, innovative partnerships and PCP’s (first bullet as well), in section 3 of the present document (including suggestions on how to adapt the EU guidance on innovative ways of procurement onto healthcare, in section 3.4 of the present document).
  • v) The last bullet will be disseminated in all sections of the present deliverable; specific examples related to innovation procurement in the healthcare sector will be highlighted in section 3.4.

D2.1 Guidance on Economic Most Advantageous procurement of Innovative Solutions

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