Servicio Aragonés de Salud (Spain), National Rehabilitation Hospital (Ireland) and Centro Hospitalar e Universitário de Coimbra (Portugal), three public procurers participating in ROSIA are planning to invest, via a Pre-Commercial Procurement instrument (PCP), up to 3.9 million euros to develop an ICT Innovation Ecosystem to meet telerehabilitation needs in isolated areas.
The project focuses on the development of an intelligent platform for tele-rehabilitation services designed for patients in remote areas. Applications and devices from ROSIA’s Catalogue will be connected to this platform, allowing community supported and supervised self-care services to be integrated into patients’ care plans. ROSIA’s value-based model of integrated care can also open the door to rethinking new business models and incentives for providers, improve equity in access to rehabilitation resources and contribute to improving the sustainability of these services.
ROSIA is a project funded by the European research and development programme Horizon2020 under GA 101017606.
In preparation for the PCP’s call for tender, and starting 12 July, ROSIA will conduct an Open Market Consultation (OMC) to design the tender’s requirements incorporating the market’s input.
ROSIA is looking for:
- Companies developing technological solutions that could be useful in telerehabilitation
- Companies that provide open platforms able to support these kinds of services
- Companies that manage community services related to telerehabilitation
- Companies that monitor engagement and motivation.
Companies may participate by:
- Filling in the ROSIA OMC Questionnaire
- Making the organisation visible with ROSIA Matchmaking tool
- Solving questions reading the OMC Q&As section
For more information on the Open Market Consultation, please, click on the following link.