The EU funded Horizon2020 PCPs CareMatrix, INCAREHEART and ROSIA are advancing their results based on lesson learnt from EURIPHI.
CareMatrix analysis of best practices on innovative public procurement is based on the results and methodology developed under the EURIPHI project. Some partners took part in both consortia – CareMatrix and EURIPHI. CareMatrix has been built based on EURIPHI’s review of the state of the art on value-based Innovation Procurement; the management and care of people living with multimorbidity; the identification of innovative solutions that had been procured. Key shortcomings in integrated care contexts initially identified in the context of EURIPHI – such as information and communication, assessment and care planning, decision support and self-management – were also valuable for CareMatrix. Additionally, EURIPHI’s cooperation with local, regional and national policy makers was an inspiration for targeting different level of policy frameworks and budgets.
INCAREHEART applies a value-based procurement approach, based on the lessons learnt by IFIC and empirica, during the EURIPHI project. IFIC and empirica were partners organisations in both INCAREHEART and EURIPHI. Moreover, INCAREHEART will establish a ‘Forum of Procurers’ – strongly linked to the EURIPHI Value Based Procurement Community of Practice – to inform interested procurers about the content of the PCP as well as experience gathered by the procurers in conducting joint tendering. When it comes to identification of relevant business and commercialisation models as well as market routes for suppliers, the INCAREHEART consortium will benefit also from the work conducted in the EURIPHI project that provided guidance on the available award procedures (open procedure, restricted procedure, competitive procedure with negotiation, competitive dialogue procedure, innovation partnership) and the respective advantages and constraints of these procedure in the area of cross-border procurement in health and care.
The value-based requirements for the ROSIA telerehabilitation services have been established using the patient-centred assessment framework developed by EURIPHI project. In particular, the MEAT framework has been used to frame some of the requirements for the tenders to identify the value-proposition of the submissions, take account of the patient and other relevant stakeholders’ value creation. The MEAT framework has been integrated into the Value-Based Healthcare implementation tools of The Decision Group, the business model framework (BMF) of Osterwalder & Pigneur (2013) and the capabilities approach described in the Afuah model (2014). Finally, the MEAT framework, and others, will be customised to the specific ROSIA’s medical conditions.